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兰州亿佳胶业有限公司是一家集研发,生产,销售玻璃胶,结构胶,发泡胶,密封胶,耐候胶为一体的先进厂家,是西北地区的供应商,生产基地位于礼仪之邦山东,本公司拥有先进的技术支持以及先进高端的生产设备和齐全的校验设备,目前已形成工业胶,工程胶,建筑胶三大板块齐头并进的局面,经营品牌有:亿佳,艾佳,艾博,胶博士,世纪宇泽,派腾特,双虹等十大系列,上百种产品。单组份,双组份中性硅酮结构密封胶,耐候胶,双组份硅酮中性密封胶,酸性玻璃胶等已广泛用于各种玻璃墙幕,门窗密封,装饰装修等领域。亿佳始终坚持“信誉至上,诚信为本,对产品负责,对客户负责,对社会负责。”不断完善品牌,提升自我,以质量求发展,以诚信求发展,以服务创品牌,只为更加美好,更加辉煌的亿佳而奋斗。Lanzhou Yijia Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. is a collection research and development, production, sales of glass adhesive, structural adhesive, adhesive, sealant, weathering plastic taste one of advanced manufacturers is the Northwest's largest supplier, production base is located in a state of ceremonies in Shandong Province. The company have advanced technical support and advanced production equipment and complete testing equipment, has formed industrial glue, engineering plastic, plastic building three plates go hand in hand with the situation, the brand management is: Yijia, Aijia, Albanese, Dr. glue, century Yu Ze, Paitengte, double rainbow and so on ten series, hundreds of products. One component, two-component neutral structure silicone sealant, gum weatherability, two-component neutral silicone sealant acid glass plastic has been widely used in all kinds of glass curtain walls, doors and windows are sealed, decoration and other fields.Yijia always adhere to the credibility of the supremacy, honesty, the product is responsible for the customer, responsible for the community." Constantly improve the brand, improve themselves, quality and development, in order to develop the integrity, to serve the brand, only for a more beautiful, more brilliant billion and strive.

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